Spectra Logic
Spectra has been involved with innovative storage systems and solutions for almost 40 years. Leading companies in data-intensive industries, government agencies and research institutions rely on Spectra Logic storage systems that are tailored to their specific workflows. Spectra works with a variety of leading solution providers. At the core of these solutions is the BlackPearl platform, a unified interface to the industry's leading cloud protocol-based tape and disk storage systems.
Spectra Logic Stack Tape Library
With the Spectra Stack Library, Spectra Logic offers a modular tape library system that starts with a basic module with one LTO drive and 10 tapes and can be expanded up to 7 units in a 19" rack. Each module can vary between 6 drives and 80 slots for tapes, depending on whether storage capacity or performance is a priority. A maximum 19" rack can be equipped with 17 petabytes or up to 42 drives.
Data sheet (PDF): Spectra Logic Stack Tape Library

Spectra Logic Enterprise and Midrange Tape-Libraries
Spectra Logic's proprietary TraScale technology is found in all mid-range T-Series (T200, T380 and T680 Libraries) and offers unparalleled flexibility. Here, all valuable components such as tape drives, power supplies and TeraPacks are reused when the library is expanded. This significantly reduces both the costs and the time required for the upgrade, since only the housing frame is extended with the upgrade. Thus, the T-Series is scalable from 50 to 680 slots and can be equipped with up to 12 drives and is currently available with LTO-7 technology.
Request for Spectra Logic Enterprise and Midrange Tape Libraries

Black Pearl Storage Gateway
With the Black Pearl, Spectra Logic offers a deep storage gateway for intelligent, cost- and user-friendly data management. The system caches incoming data from automated workflows or by simply moving data manually to deep storage.
Verde NAS Systems
Spectra Verde Disk is the optimal platform to manage your data growth easily and at low cost. Verde is the 4th generation of Spectra's disk storage product line and costs half as much as traditional file storage solutions. Verde offers the highest level of data reliability, is easy to manage and provides a long-term solution for securing your data.
Data sheet (PDF): Spectra Logic product overview